
Painting YELLOW is a bitch!

 Painting yellow, what a bitch. I asked 12 painters, all ranging from hobby level to professional painters with years professionally in the hobby, and no two methods were the same.  Here is a link to a YT playlist I cobbled together of YT Pro Painter's videos about painting yellow. So, for everyone else, how do you paint yellow?

Grotto is stocked, come take a look. Come on over and visit the Grotto. Lots of goodies with great prices. Those 78 totes have been broken down into KEEP and SELL. Well now the sell pile is up for sale. I have dozens more stuff that I can't post yet. Interested let me know. Looking for something let me know, I might have it in the back room. Never know. So come on over and have a look. Grimm
 So lipless bases, how to magnetize them, especially trying to keep things thin? Take Renedra bases for example. Their bases are 1.5mm think, but if you want to make them magnetic what would you do? I can think of three ways. 1. Magnetic sheeting 2. Metal sheeting 3. Magnets. Thought is to be thin. 1. Magnetic sheeting. Cut a matching size circle and attach underneath. Prob is the stronger stuff can be thick causing the base to thicken up past what you desire. 2. Magnetic sheeting, like roof flashing. Cut a matching size blank to match the base and attach underneath. Bonus is the flashing is thin and won't increase the base thickness much. 3. Magnets. They come in all shapes and sizes. But drill a hole through the base and place the magnet in the hole and glue it in. Now the magnet may be thicker than the base which means it will stick above the base. This can be covered up by basing material maybe. So what other ways are there that I dont know about? Let me know. Grimm
 3D scanners. Getting a good amount of ads in my feed for 3D scanners. Thoughts and opinions on one to purchase to scan all the way down to miniature sized objects? I know there are industrial use scanners and ones that are thousands of dollars. I am more interested in the home use type of scale scanners. So, what ya got?

Bases.... Thicc or Thin?

 Bases.... Thicc or Thin? No knife fights on shape, that isn't on the table here. This is entirely about thickness of the base, which do you like. For skirmish I like round bases. I goto local cons and see the MDF base sellers and when I look at the bases, especially the smaller diameter ones and think they are to thick, like by double. So just curious on opinions of preference. Say you were getting some bases cut to order for you, what thickness do you want your MDF to be? For arguments sake say the diameter of the bases cut will be in diameter 25/30/32/40/50/60/80mm. The last two for the games with big bois. So how thick, 1mm, 2mm or even 3mm. 3mm being about the thickness of your standard GWish slotta round base or equivalent. So what say you base fanatics?

Happy 4th of July

 Happy Fourth of July for all that celebrate it and where ever in the world you are as you celebrate it.

To paint or not to paint that is my dilemma!

 Paints, not to start a flame war so please dont, but what is everyone's goto paint line? Just curious. I have been out of the painting game for years, ok decades really, and thinking of jumping back in and heavily into Army Painter. I am thinking of snagging the complete Speedpaint 2.0 set. That would be a healthy monetary investment, and that doest include the Fanatic range I am looking at. So, what's people's thoughts, opinions and experience?